
Friday, April 30, 2010

May is coming!

Here we are, yet again, on the eve of a "birth month." A month, that is, when a Roscoe baby is due! Hooray!
I am extra excited to meet this little person, but admittedly more excited for the little person to meet their daddy and big sister.
I feel like this time I kind of already "know" this baby, not entirely of course, but it has been a different experience being pregnant this time than when I was pregnant with Rhiannon. I think last time I spent most of the pregnancy being really nervous and scared..... about being a mom, having a baby to care for, giving birth, having my whole life change forever... you know, small things. Haha. This time, though, I've already given birth, been a mom, cared for a baby... my life has already changed and changed for the better... so what is there to be fearful or nervous about? (Yes yes, I'm well aware that "two children are different than one" blah blah blah.) I feel like I've been able to just savor growing a human life, being pregnant, this time, and really mentally get ready to expand our family yet again. Jeff and I both have so much love to give and share, and it's an incredible blessing that we are able to do that with Rhiannon and now, New Baby. God is amazing and I know we both are feeling all wrapped up in that amazingness right now, as we wait for the new miracle to arrive!

In other news, I passed my State Board Practical licensing exam this past Tuesday in Grand Rapids, and now will travel to Lansing this coming Tuesday to take the final written portion. Once that is completed and I pass, they will grant me my license right then and there! Awesome! I have some additional paperwork for the licensing board to fill out so I can receive licensure in Virginia, but I'm not worried about that. So excited to have this milestone behind us. On to the next challenge!
Should have some incredible pictures to post sometime next week, too, as I am doing an incredible pregnant photo shoot this Saturday with Amber Henry Photography . EXCITING!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Graduation Day

Turns out, I graduate from cosmetology school on Thursday.
This Thursday.
Oh man.

Not prepared!!!
Here's hoping I can get my state licensing exams scheduled and passed before the end of the month!

In other news, Rhi has moved from really easy at night to fairly whiny. Boo on that.

Jeff starts his next level of certification flights tomorrow. Prayers!

The Moses Basket linens and things for the new baby are ALMOST done. They are so cute! Can't wait to post a picture when it's all finished. And don't even get me started on the crib set - so awesome!

The house situation is looking promising. Jeff is working really hard on finishing the little renovations needed at the condo to get it listed and rented, and we may have found somewhere for us to move home to in July. It will be a huge weight off all of our shoulders once that is all settled. I am confident that God has something HUGE in store for us and we will understand it all in time. What's my key word in all this? HIS time, not mine. Once again, patience (my nemesis!)!

And I think that's it from the land of Roscoe at present. Happiness to all!

Monday, April 12, 2010

To keep in touch....

That's why I started this thing. To keep in touch with everyone we love across the country.
I'm hoping it will be easy for everyone to check at random, for Jeff & I to post pictures and updates, and not too complicated for anyone. We shall see. Only time will tell.

Let's see.....

Rhiannon is 17 months old, climbing like a monkey, loves to be outside, and a very very good kid. She's taught me a lot over the past year, about patience and being genuinely excited about things. I love that about her. She has no reason to hide her true feelings about anything because she has yet to experience self-consciousness or embarrassment. Lord help us, I hope it stays that way for a long time.  She loves fruit, ladybugs (or maybe its just bugs in general), Elmo & (ugh!) Barney, dogs, Old McDonald, shoes (ha!), being outside, and her "people." Every day is exciting to her. She definitely has that typical toddler characteristic where she feels everything at extremes, but for the most part, she is just curious about it all and happy to discover it exists. We are so incredibly blessed to have her in our lives, because she really does remind everyone to find and focus on the good things, no matter how silly or small.
New Baby Roscoe is due May 21st, 2010. I know what the sex is, but Jeff does not, so for his enjoyment, we are keeping the secret till the baby makes its debut. I am excited about having another living combination of the two of us, but a little concerned about the whole "two under two" thing. I've heard from other parents that it's very intense and tiring, but totally worth (so.... just like most worthwhile things!). I am hoping, also, that the Navy keeps Jeff stateside for a few months so he can experience this new person and our new family dynamic to the fullest, before they send him out again. I am trying to re-familiarize myself with the things and routines a little baby needs, as we have been away from them for quite some time. I also have to remind myself that Rhi was (and still is) a very easy child, and this one may not be that way.
Xeus & Lunabell are much the same as they have always been: good dogs. They have flourished in their year at Grandma & Grandpa Roscoe's and I know that it is going to be hard on all involved parties when we go home in July.
As for Allison (that's me), I'm about to graduate with my cosmetology license here in the next few days, about to embark on the crazy journey of dual motherhood in a couple weeks, and ready to have my little family be whole again in VB in a few months. Changes are a'coming, and in big ways. I am realizing more all the time that I am going to have to lean on The Power bigger than me to get through any of them with my sanity.
And Jeffery...... he's just Jeffery. :) He's made it through a long year by himself at home and he's been incredible through the whole thing.
We are all excited to be together again soon.